Sunday 5 May 2013

Final Photographs

 Final 13 Photographs:
I have picked these 13 photographs because I think that they show manicure the best. I have a 'perfect' model against a graffiti background or in an urban area. 
For these photographs I used my Vogue magazine as a prop to show that she is into fashion and loves looking 'perfect' all the time. 
I am going to be using these photographs in my final piece. 

Hugh O'Malley Response

Hugh O'Malley's Photograph:

Original Photograph:
This photograph is my response to one of Hugh O'Malley's images. I tried to keep the composition the same with the girl in the middle of the road and houses either side. I also kept the content the same but in my image I haven't got a big tall building behind my model.  
Edited Photograph:
I edited this photograph to make it brighter and more contrasted. I did this so then it would look more like the original with a bold, shinny, contrast finish. 

Thursday 2 May 2013

Development Photographs: Location 2

Location 2:
These Photographs are apart of my development section. I took my model out to different locations. I got her to wear a dress and some heels to create a 'perfect' finish. We went to a couple of different locations to see which would have the best effect.  

We got some inspiration from one of my Vogue magazines, to try out different 'model' poses. This really helped me to direct her into different poses and locations.