Tuesday 5 March 2013

Claire Harrison

Claire Harrison is a fashion, beauty, hair and commercial photographer. 
She is based in London and she does fully digital photography, she has a real passion and flair towards her photography both still life and moving image. 

I really like this photograph because the brightness of her nails and lips contrast with the lighting and flawless skin.  I like the way the lips look really smooth and soft. I really like the closeness of this image and the intimacy of the pose. The composition of this photograph is really bold and edgy. I think that this photograph has a lot of energy to it, from the boldness of the lips and nails. The 'Lush Lips' sweet draws your attention into the photo and it makes you look directly at the brightly coloured lips. I also like that the sweet relates to the content of the image and it links in with the colours and mood. If I was to re-create this photograph I would keep the closeness and intimacy the same and I would also get my model to have a bright colour on their lips and nails. I would try to get a sweet that represents the colour and mood of the photo. I would also get my model to have the same coloured nails and a clear, one-colour skin tone/ make-up to create the same effect. I love the lighting of this photograph it's very clear and direct, I love the way the lighting shines off the nails and lips. 

 This photograph is a lot different from the first one because it's very nude and pale, it doesn't have any bright colours to it. I really like this photo because even through it is very light and soft looking, it still has a very edgy effect to it. I really like the three different shades of foundation on the right cheek because it gives a different type of mood to the photograph, it shows you just how clear and flawless the models skin is. I really like the composition of this photograph because I like the fact that you can't see where and what she is looking at but I also like the side angle of the photo. This photograph is very bright and full of energy, I like the plain white background because it just makes the photo a lot more clearer and it doesn't give you any distractions from the face and main focus of the photograph. If I was to re-create this photograph I would keep the composition the same but maybe change the different shades of foundation to a different beauty product like blusher, just so then I have a bit of my own style in the photo as well as Claire's.  

This photograph is a bit more dark and mysterious compared to the other two photographs that I chose, but I really like this photo because even though it is dark, the model is wearing really bright colours and the lighting on the left side of her face makes the photograph seem a lot more happier and bright. I love the two colour's for the eyes, lips and nails I think that they work really well together with the clearness and shine of her skin. I like the dark, black background because it makes the eyes, lips and nails stand out a lot more and make them a lot more brighter. The composition of this photograph is a lot like the other two photographs because it is very close and intimate with the camera, making the shape of her face more edgy and defined. If i was to re-create this image I would keep the black, mysterious background so then the bright colours will stand out a lot more, I would also keep the pose the same because I like the fact that you can see her nails and hand because the colour of her nails match her lips and the colour of her hand blend in slightly with her face. 

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