Tuesday 19 March 2013

Location Photographs

I went to Wollaton park to have a look at different locations to shoot my photographs. I chose to go somewhere with dirty, urban looking walls because my model is going to be all dressed up looking 'perfect' so a urban, graffiti background will contrast with my model. 

I really like this photograph because I like the shapes it makes with the arch at the top and the arch window. When I re-shoot these photos I will make sure it is straight and not at an angle, I will also look at the composition of the photograph and make sure it is symmetrical and in order. 

I really like the leading lines of this photograph, I like how it is very urban and the bricks are all different colours and shapes. I like the bars at the front of this photograph and how you can't see beyond the curve of the ally way. When I re-shoot this photograph I will make sure the bars are in focus and I will take loads of different photographs in different angles of my model. 

I have edited this photograph to make it brighter and to make the greens and reds of the bricks stand out. I love the shapes that this photograph makes. The arch of the roof and the curve of the ally way. I am going to get my model to stand and pose in different positions along this ally way so I can chose the ones that look the most effective. 

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