Monday 11 March 2013

Hugh O'Malley
Hugh O'Malley is a London-Based Fashion, Beauty and Advertising Photographer.

This photograph really stood out to me when I was looking through all of Hugh's photographs because I like the fact that the model looks really posh and dressed up yet she's standing somewhere that looks quite rough and run down, with the tall block of flats in the background and the cars parked on the road. The composition of this photograph has been really well thought out, because the model is tall and so is the block of flats in the background, they have really thought about how to make them both stand out and not get lost within each other. There is nothing that really distracts you in this photo, it has one focus point and that is the model and she really stands out in the foreground of the image. If I was to re-create this image I would get my model to dress up in really fancy clothing and take her to a really run down, rough area to create the same edgy mood. I would also try and get some tall buildings in the background to create the same kind of effect. I also really like the lighting in this image, because everything is bright and light and nothing gets lost in the darkness or shadows. 

This photograph is really similar to the first one because it has the same edgy mood and feel towards it. The model is dressed up really fancy and pretty and the setting and location she is in looks rundown and dirty. I really like the composition of this photograph because the small door like feature makes the model look really tall and powerful. The dirt on the door contrasts against her 'perfect' clothing. The lighting of this photograph you can tell has been thought about because the top of the photograph is really light whereas the bottom looks a little darker. If I was going to re-create this photograph I would consider the lighting and mood of the photo, I would also again get my model to dress in really fancy outfits to create a edgy feel to it. I would try and find a dirty looking door/frame to place my model in. The energy you get from this photograph is really edgy and contrasting because you wouldn't expect a 'perfect' looking girl to be in such a dirty rundown area. 

I really like this photograph because the composition is a lot different to all of the other photographs Hugh takes because in this photograph you can't see what and where the model is looking. Also the shaping of the wall behind her is really interesting because it makes the photograph look really edgy and it has a lot of energy. The position of the model looks like she doesn't really care about why she's there or what she's looking at. I also really like this photograph because it's in black and white and I think that black and white photographs bring out the shadows of the photo more, because they are a lot clearer to see and point out. If I was to re-create this photograph I would keep the black and white theme and also get my model to look away from the camera so it still looks like she doesn't care about why she's there and what she's looking at. 

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